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You can think of an Actor as the character sheet and a Token as the mini that represents it. You can drag any Actor onto a Scene to place a Token. You can control how an Actor looks each time its placed in a Scene by changing its Prototype Token settings.

Prototype Token Settings#

  1. Open a character sheet by clicking on it in the Actor's tab.
  2. In the top-right click on the Prototype Token link.
  3. Be strong and don't get intimidated by all the options 💪. We're going to look at just the important parts:

Scene Configuration: Basics Tab
Important Identity Settings

  • Display Name: Controls when the Token's name is visible. The options include:
    • Never Displayed
    • When Controlled
    • Hovered by Owner
    • Hovered by Anyone
    • Always for Owner
    • Always for Everyone
  • Link Actor Data: Controls whether changes to the Token will also impact the Actor.

    When enabled, any changes made to the Token will be made to the Actor as well. If it's turned off, each Token for that Actor will have its own character sheet. This makes it so you can have one goblin Actor and place 6 different goblins in a Scene that have their own HP and inventory.

Scene Configuration: Grid
Important Appearance Settings

  • Image Path: The image or video for the Token.
  • Dimensions: The number of grid spaces the Token takes up.

Token Configuration Vision Tab: Basic Configuration Sub-Tab
Important Basic Configuration Settings

This tab is broken into even more tabs, but don't worry, you only need to pay attention to the Basic Configuration tab:

  • Vision Enabled: Controls whether a Token can see at all.

    Disable Vision for NPCs

    NPCs are often created without their vision enabled so that the Gamemaster doesn't lose visibility over the Scene when moving their Token.

  • Vision Range: Set this to the distance that the Token can see without any light. For example, a creature with 60 feet of darkvision should have 60 here. A creature with no darkvision should have 0.

Token Configuration Light Tab: Basic Configuration Sub-Tab
Important Light Settings

You can skip this section entirely if the Token isn't emitting any light (like from a torch).

  • Light Radius: The distance that the Token is emitting dim and bright light. For example: a torch might shine 40 feet of dim light and 20 feet of bright light.

Token Configuration: Resources Tab
Important Resources Settings

  • Display Bars: Controls when the Token's resource bars are visible. The options include:
    • Never Displayed
    • When Controlled
    • Hovered by Owner
    • Hovered by Anyone
    • Always for Owner
    • Always for Everyone
  • Bar X Attribute: Controls which attribute is used for each resource bar. For example, Hit Points.